Grooving to the Staccato Strains of Blue Shades, Jon Von Erb

                (Jazz composition by Frank Ticheli) Sunrise splashes sherbet rays of yellow, orange,and striated redsacross New York City’s 1920’s grandscape.Day workers streak from subways.Human rivers become a sea of labour,pushing onward; streaming always forward. 20 somethings on bikeszig-zag through currents of traffic;trolleys screechalong the shorelines of city avenues.Horns in cadence; a symphonyof cymbals and tympani,bang out the pulse of rush-rush, dash-dash;a city in concerto grosso. Maid-motored baby buggiesflooding parks and sidewalksemote thrills of laughter;little ones on a first-time adventureunder the elms and sycamoresbeneath blue skiesdotted with cotton-candy cloudsdancing with the wonders of wildlife.Lichen dotted boulders glisten with the dewof yesternight; the hum of Central Park,alive with the vitality of May. A hush cascades over the cityas a crisp-clear noonspreads picnic blankets invitinglunch to the clip-clops rhythms of horse-drawn carriagesstrolling by; nature’s calm smiles at last.Evening strolls west with its shades of blue;shadows of indigo meander over New Jerseydragging daytime behind. Decrescendo replacesthe bright trumpets of the day with the sparkles of night’s intrigue.  
© Jon Von Erb 

Jon is a poet and the mentor of a poetry group in Southern California. Professionally he practices therapeutic and medical massage therapy. His past career was that of a ballet dancer, choreographer and professor of classical dance techniques in America, including Alaska, and throughout Europe.  Alternatively, he has been a Floral Designer and teacher of literature and the fine arts in his hometown of San Francisco.  He is a lover of dogs, nature and thought-provoking ideas, which he trusts, shows in his poetry. He has been previously published in the Rancho Mirage public library’s poetry group’s 2015 theology. His poem ‘Gaze’  was selected as the poem of the year by the Palm springs writing guild. To read more of his work visit:


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