what pretty, manicured lawns.
Kentucky blue eyes, I heard.
to discuss the root veining through soil,
and not the snapping sound
of excision
is a cultivation of mirrors.
you will lose your country, she shouted
in the canned goods aisle.
when she picks up the
laundry, dry cleaning, dinner:
those are good ones, I heard.
© Jeni De La O
Jeni De La O is an Afro-Cuban poet and storyteller living in Detroit. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Obsidian, Fifth Wednesday, Rigorous Magazine, Okay Donkey, Gigantic Sequins and others. Jeni founded Relato:Detroit, the nation’s first bilingual community storytelling event, which seeks to bridge linguistics divides through story. She is a Poetry Editor for Rockvale Review and organizes Poems in the Park, an acoustic reading series based in Detroit.
Twitter: @jenidelao