At dusk in the city, Paul Robert Mullen

you will hear the sirens

and think they are for you                   snap your

          retinas back and forth in haste

searching for the sound


5am traffic spinning through the flashing

lights               happy to sweep the day in offices

factories, retail outlets

off their shoulders like dandruff. the portly guy


         in the hot dog trailer, shivering-warm

over steaming stainless steel                will tell you

fucking hell, mate, it’s been a slow one

as he passes you the mustard, thinking all the while


about his wife              how she’ll flip if he stops

for a bevvie on the way home. today the

streets will scatter like a bomb-threat when

the freezing hail arrives           only the big issue guy


hunched in layers remains, thrusting bundles

wrapped in plastic at folk so unaware

they dance with umbrellas like two tiger cubs

            embroiled in competition


mental you will gasp, falling through the door            heavy bags

etching lines upon your wrist


© Paul Robert Mullen

Paul Robert Mullen has been widely published in literary magazines, e-zines and journals such as The Interpreter’s House, Dreamcatcher, The Foxglove Journal, Blossom In Winter and The Canon’s Mouth.

He is very active on the poetry scene in the Liverpool/Manchester areas, taking part in readings and events, and contributing to publication workshops. He has been interviewed about his work by various radio stations, magazines and newspapers, most notably Sean Styles on BBC Radio Merseyside in September.

Email address:
Twitter: @mushyprm35

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