(after taiye ojo)
the other day we mistook sunflowers for nightingales mistook
bodies lost in the abyss of a river for debris in between
the conversation with the road we called mirage a dream
at river wadi — shadows scrawled into the walls
the night stilled for broken boys
carrying the fructification of their father’s wounds &
when language became what we wore inside our mouth as the distance
undressed grief in our knees
dreams became mirage
the boys rushed into the river
the boys died in the river
the river washed their sins
their country did not come for their bodies
their countries did not know they left
© Adedayo Adeyemi Agarau
Adedayo Adeyemi Agarau writes from a place of memory, explores loss, absence, godhood, and boyhood. He is on twitter as @adedayoagarau.
Beautiful poem… Beautiful lines