Ignorance, Edward Lee

Hard to shut a window
that’s never been opened,
yet many try,
fearful that the indifferent storm outside
might invade privacy,
or rearrange lives,
with its previously unwitnessed violence,
its temper legendary
in the single-syllabled words of loose mouths.

Hard to shut a window
that’s never been opened,
but not impossible,
no, not impossible,
especially when we draw the curtains
and turn off our lights,
safety over sense

and visibility.

© Edward Lee

Edward Lee’s poetry, short stories, non-fiction and photography have been published in magazines in Ireland, England and America, including The Stinging Fly, Skylight 47, Acumen and Smiths Knoll.
He also makes musical noise under the names Ayahuasca Collective, Lewis Milne, Orson Carroll, Blinded Architect, Lego Figures Fighting, and Pale Blond Boy.
His Facebook page can be found at www.facebook.com/edwardleewriter

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