The beauty of Language, Sarah Battison

Our love was evanescent

it lasted only a short time


but the sound of ‘ I love you’ from your parted lips was

like Beethoven to my soul

It was



My love for you ineffable

simply too deep for any words to express

you left me hiraeth- homesick

even though you were never home

just a place where I was under duress


I am lost in limerence.


despite the gossamer like string you hung me from


Never have I longed for someone

as I do for you

full of saudade

for a man who ripped me apart


And you torture me still

as I cannot escape

unworldly feelings



I am waiting instead

to change the world

with words

or even

just myself

bound in orenda



and whilst I wait

I bare my soul

leaving its essence

in my creative work



 © Sarah Battison 

Sarah Battison is 28 years old from West Midlands, England. She is a Mum of three, Poet, Teacher and mental health advocate. She has recently released her first poetry collection ‘The Journey to Happiness’ and has only recently begun taking her writing seriously. She is on social media on the following sites; Twitter- @BattisonSarah , WordPress-, Instagram- sarah_battison.

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