Photography, Laila Kee


Laila Kee is a macro photographer from the Netherlands.

“For me, macro photography isn’t about documenting my encounter with a rare insect or flower, but about the unique shapes and colours the small world offers. There is so much to see and find if you just look a little closer. Most of my photos are taken within the same small garden and feature the same species, with ladybugs being my all-time favourites.

Yet every encounter is a challenge. How do I make the photo more than just an image of a random insect I found? In that regard, macro photography isn’t very different from other types of photography. As a photographer I work with very little beyond my camera and my experience. I don’t have much equipment, not even a tripod or flash, but I have studied basic art subjects like composition and colour theory. My photos aren’t staged, but I do tend to (very carefully) move the insect/animal to a spot where it can truly show off its characteristics.

For me, that’s the best part of macro photography; recognising and capturing the surprises hidden away in the small world, whether it is a plant with loops in its leaves, or a butterfly that chose to rest on the only red branch on the forest floor.”

Social Media:

Instagram: @macroramblings

Tumblr: macroramblings

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