Photography, Silke

every day ever after

final quiet

haunt me again


Silke is a freelance photographer from Germany. She lives in the southern part of the country, in the state of Bavaria. Silke considers herself lucky as forests, lakes and rivers surround her hometown.

“Throughout my life, I’ve always felt more comfortable and relaxed being out alone in nature rather than finding myself in a crowd of people. For those that know me personally, it’s probably no surprise that I dedicate my photography to nature, untouched landscapes, outdoor sceneries and flora and fauna.  

I enjoy taking real landscapes and turning them into somewhat creepy, magical and surreal images, almost as if the sceneries are taken directly out of a beautiful dream or haunting nightmare. Every image is meant to convey a particular atmosphere, and intends to either comfort you or unsettle you.”

Silke’s other passion in life is music, and she is very interested in creating artwork for bands. To contact her regarding this, please message her directly via her email.



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