general guidelines

Current submission deadline: 25th November
Theme: Rebirth

Please visit our archive to familiarise yourself with what kinds of works we publish.  

Send your submission in doc or docx form. Keep it 12pt and a readable font such as Times New Roman. Please include a brief cover letter in your email which includes your name and any other information you would like to share (such as social media links). Label the email topic with the submission category and your name eg. Short Fiction: Megan Turner. You can submit to multiple categories per deadline.

You can submit work you have previously published but make sure to provide information regarding this in your cover letter. We accept simultaneous submissions but please withdraw your work if it has been accepted elsewhere. 

We aim to respond within two months. Unfortunately, we cannot provide individual feedback but if you are rejected you can submit for the next submission deadline.

Once your work has been submitted we retain ‘electronic rights’ to feature your work upon our website and social media as long as we credit you. When submitting you acknowledge that all work is your own original content.

Category Guidelines

Click to view specific guideline information.

Please submit up to 5 poems per submission. If you are submitting spoken poetry, each poem must be under 4 minutes. Whilst we are open to all modes of poetry, we favour free-verse.

Please submit up to 3000 words per submission.

This can include one long short story or multiple short stories. Just make sure the total word count is under 3,000. 

Please submit up to 3000 words per submission. We are interested in both academic and informal works.

Please submit up to 5 photos or art pieces per submission. We accept both digital and traditional art.

We do accept other creative mediums such as comic art, blog posts and scripts. If you would like to know if we will consider your work please email:
